
Allows data to be pulled from S3 Objects.


Methods of S3

get_object_metadata(bucket_name, key)

Get the metadata associated with the given bucket_name and key. The metadata allows you to check for the existance of the key within the bucket and to check how large the object is without reading the whole object into memory.

  • bucket_name – the name of the S3 Bucket
  • key – the key that identifies the S3 Object within the S3 Bucket

an S3ObjectMetadata object

class S3ObjectMetadata

Will return True if the object exists.


Returns the size in bytes for the object. Will return -1 for objects that do not exist.

Example usage:

s3().get_object_metadata('my bucket', 'mykeypart1/mykeypart2').exists()
s3().get_object_metadata('my bucket', 'mykeypart1/mykeypart2').size()
get_object(bucket_name, key)

Get the S3 Object associated with the given bucket_name and key. This method will cause the object to be read into memory.

  • bucket_name – the name of the S3 Bucket
  • key – the key that identifies the S3 Object within the S3 Bucket

an S3Object object

class S3Object

Get the S3 Object data


If the object exists, parse the object as JSON.

Returns:a dict containing the parsed JSON or None if the object does not exist.

Will return True if the object exists.


Returns the size in bytes for the object. Will return -1 for objects that do not exist.

Example usage:

s3().get_object('my bucket', 'mykeypart1/my_text_doc.txt').text()

s3().get_object('my bucket', 'mykeypart1/my_json_doc.json').json()
list_bucket(bucket_name, prefix, max_items=100, recursive=True)

List the S3 Object associated with the given bucket_name, matching prefix. By default, listing is possible for up to 1000 keys, so we use pagination internally to overcome this.

  • bucket_name – the name of the S3 Bucket
  • prefix – the prefix to search under
  • max_items – the maximum number of objects to list. Defaults to 100.
  • recursive – if the listing should contain deeply nested keys. Defaults to True.

an S3FileList object

class S3FileList

Returns a list of dicts like

    "file_name": "foo",
    "size": 12345,
    "last_modified": "2017-07-17T01:01:21Z"

Example usage:

s3().list_bucket('my bucket', 'some_prefix').files()

files = s3().list_bucket('my bucket', 'some_prefix', 10000).files()  # for listing a lot of keys
last_modified = files[0]["last_modified"].isoformat()  # returns a string that can be passed to time()
age = time() - time(last_modified)